Lalala 這是個忙碌的8月~~ (gym)
2011-08-01 07:44:56 14 responses
Lalala 北海好漂亮!!
2011-08-02 05:22:48 5 responses
Lalala 最怕老爸阻止我作一些事情...
2011-08-03 16:15:06 26 responses
Lalala 米蟲是什麼顏色的...??
2011-08-04 08:33:53 20 responses
Lalala 正在 下標準的颱風雨.....
2011-08-05 04:28:53 3 responses
Lalala 這天氣是怎麼回事....
2011-08-07 09:53:57 2 responses
Lalala 頻臨抓狂邊緣!!!!! (doh)
2011-08-10 09:06:34 12 responses
Lalala 家裡乾不乾淨 跟有沒有蟑螂 有沒有一定的關係阿??
2011-08-10 14:14:30 16 responses
Lalala 決定了! 出差後的兩天自由行要來去 橫濱 and 自由之丘~
2011-08-13 04:40:48 24 responses
Lalala 又到了一天最喜歡的時刻了~~ (woot)
2011-08-13 07:04:05 2 responses
Lalala another company go-live! oh~ yeah! (dance)
2011-08-14 08:53:50 5 responses
Lalala 熱熱熱熱熱熱熱!!
2011-08-19 04:50:44 2 responses
Lalala 在松山出境真的太方便了!!
2011-08-21 00:33:56 9 responses
Lalala can't wait to go to this one on Friday~~~
2011-08-24 14:26:49 11 responses
Lalala 沒有勇氣剪短頭髮.....
2011-08-30 09:37:47 16 responses