Lalala to go or not to go.....??!
2011-03-25 10:05:07
掰噗~ 問倒我了 (doh)
LindyW go where?
黃蛋糕 JP?
babychen316 Girl you can't go.
LindyW I agree, don't go...
fionfly it's not a good timing but can you say No?
babychen316 You can say " No", girl! (angry_okok)
clivehsieh they should understand. postponing is not the end of the world. especially when the damaged nuclear reactors are not under control.
ally zong817: 現在別去吧~令人擔心~~ (nottalking)
LindyW really, if you can postpone it, don't go. if you can't postpone it, don't go... :'-(
LindyW wait a while and see how things go, surely there are some work you can do offsite, before it's safe to go again...
LindyW unless you want to glow in the dark & save electricity that way... (this is gogo speaking).
babychen316 反正不準妳去!!!!
clivehsieh glow stick? or firefly?
Lalala 謝謝大家的關心... 我一直沒回這個噗, 是因為我在等我爸的反應....
Lalala 結果... 今天他看到我, 馬上把我拉到報紙邊, 打開頭版, 然後開始念一則新聞...
Lalala 念完後說, 妳如果去,就是抗命! (沒這麼嚴厲過阿~~)
babychen316 爸爸本色终于发挥出来了。以前都对我发威,现在该你了 . Hahaha .....
smallchih 哈哈!你到底為什麼要去?
Lalala smallchih: 因為要出差阿... 哀...
smallchih 那是很難,不過還是命要緊,不要讓家人擔心!
ally zong817: 乖乖聽話~~
Ivy 哥哥爸爸真偉大!!!! 聽爸爸就對了!!!
ㄟ絲特ㄦ 聽爸爸的話就對了+1
Lalala 已經跟客戶溝通過了,他說尊重我的決定... 可是我內心是想以行動支持日本阿.....
babychen316 妳可以精神上支持or物質上支持!!
ㄟ絲特ㄦ 今天蘋果頭條很聳動 但是看完也真的覺得暫時不要去比較好
LindyW 还是爸爸说的最有效!
Lalala Estherplurk: 今天去買牛奶的時候順便買了蘋果回來看...
Lalala 現在的狀況是, 日本那邊來4個人~~ 哈!
smallchih 這樣最好囉!
LindyW 太好了!
ㄟ絲特ㄦ Great~~